9th Grade Contingency - 3rd WEEK

9th Grade Contingency


Starting date: 31/03/2020          Due date: 01/04/2020 - 10:20          Topic: THE STATE AND THE ECONOMY

  • Read page 102.
  • Make up a summary or a conceptual map.


Starting date: 01/04/2020          Due date: 03/04/2020 - (10:00 - 12:00)          Topic: THE STATE AND THE ECONOMY

  • Answer the question below (on your notebook):
    • What would you do if you were the president and you needed to change our national currency (the dollar) to another one?
    • Think about all problems it gets and wirte your answer on your notebook. 


Starting date: 03/04/2020          Due date: 06/04/2020 - (10:00 - 12:00)          Topic: THE STATE AND THE ECONOMY

  • Write as a tittle a country where you would like to live.
  • Research on internet all about that country, specially its economy.
  • Answer those questions on your notebook.
    •  Why would you like to live in this country?
    • After researching the economy of that country, would you still like to live there?